The dedication of the Blue Star Memorial by the Milford Garden Club is the highlight of a year-long 90th anniversary celebration. To recognize American veterans in a highly visible way, the National Garden Club began an ongoing project in which local garden clubs place a marker in a prominent location on America’s highways, byways, cemeteries, and other civic locations. Perhaps you have seen one in your travels. Connecticut has seven memorials dedicated to American veterans; across the USA there are over 1,000.
Named for the iconic Blue Star Flags and banners that were displayed in the homes of those who served during WWII, the program has been active since 1945 when the National Garden Club adopted the program and began the Blue Star Highway program that now covers all 50 states. Over the years, the program has expanded to honor all those who have served, are serving, and will serve in the U.S. armed forces.
The Milford Garden Club approached The Milford Veterans Ceremony and Parade Commission about placing a Blue Star Memorial on the front lawn of the Fowler Building where they meet monthly, and the group enthusiastically supported the idea. Once all the approvals were obtained from the mayor and the Board of Alderman, the fundraising began.
Downtown businesses will be asked to display one or more Blue Star luminaries in their storefronts as a reminder to the public that the Memorial will be dedicated May 29, 2017 during Memorial Day Weekend. The public is encouraged to attend.
Founders Way, located next to the approved Memorial location, will also showcase the pride Milford has in its Founders, many of whom fought for our nation at its beginning. The location of the Blue Star Memorial is a perfect fit to remind citizens just how important veterans are to our way of life.
In addition to the Memorial itself there will be five bronze medallions placed at the base representing the five branches of the U.S. military: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
–Kathy Kobishyn
(ital)People and groups can purchase luminaries (which can be personalized in remembrance) through the Milford Garden Club or by emailing Kathy Kobishyn at milfordbluestarmemorial@gmail.com. Tax-deductible contributions can be sent to Blue Star Memorial, c/o Marilyn Wardell, 395 West Rutland Road, Milford Ct 06461.