Cleaning up our Shore and More

Cleaning up our Shore and More
June 24, 2024 Suzanne Cahill

From Forest to Shore

Ensuring that our planet stays healthy and clean is not an easy job. The world is a big place—the biggest place we know—which can make helping out appear daunting. While it may seem like individual actions do not yield significant outcomes, this is far from the truth. Every small action counts. Volunteering with Connecticut Clean Communities (CCC) is the perfect place to start.

The organization was created by a group of environmentalists with the goal of fostering and preserving clean lands throughout the state. Linda Knauff, the CCC’s executive director, has been participating in environmental clean-ups since she was a child in North Carolina and wanted to transport her efforts to Connecticut. The CCC is all about teamwork, welcoming any assistance, and partnering with other organizations to maximize their efforts in keeping Connecticut clean. 

Everyone associated with this organization is a volunteer, and age is not a factor. Children often have a tremendous time participating in clean-ups, knowing they are responsible for making a difference—as do the adults. There is no limit to who can participate; everyone is welcome to get involved. With every piece of trash collected, the environment is improved, and the health of our planet comes closer to being restored. Participation also serves as an opportunity to explore new places and meet new people, all while generating reform. 

Connecticut Clean Communities ( makes it easy to take part in creating this positive change and to have fun while doing it. They forged a partnership with Garbo Grabber (, a woman-owned company with the goal of creating a more efficient way to clean up our environment. They sell a range of affordable tools that make your job as an environmental advocate simple. The “trash bagger,” a unique tool designed to keep your trash bag held open, consists of a comfortable handle and a place to hook your bags. You can even purchase sustainable, reusable nets to preserve our environment further. This item pairs perfectly with their reaching tool, which spares your fingertips as it grips the pesky trash to be smoothly dropped into the bag. Knauff remarks that the response to Garbo Grabber is always positive; people are grateful for the simplicity and efficiency the tools allow. 

Milford’s coastal wetlands consist of marshes, rivers, ponds, and beaches; all of these areas need preservation. The CCC participated in the Mackenzie’s Beach Clean-up event, which celebrated its 16th anniversary this year. On Saturday, August 3rd, they will be in Devon for a cleanup sponsored by the Devon Merchant Association. It’s the perfect opportunity to get your hands dirty (metaphorically, thanks again to Garbo Grabber). Community cleanup events are held approximately every two weeks to help create and preserve a safe environment across the state. You can make financial donations of any amount at any time via their website.

The CCC’s newfound partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Milford serves as an opportunity to educate elementary students about how to take care of their environment, focusing on recycling and limiting unnecessary waste. Recent classes were crafty and fun, using environmentally safe items to create something that will last.

Volunteer support is something that is crucial to the success of the organization; without the resources they bring, Connecticut Clean Communities would be unable to thrive as it does.

“Milford has been such a supportive community,” Knauff says. “We are excited to continue our work there!”


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