With its beautiful coastline, great restaurants, shopping, services, and schools, Milford is still THE place to be. But with so much going on all the time—from festivals and parades to concerts and church fairs—it can be difficult to know what’s happening when.
Milfordites used to gather on the Green to be clued in on the latest news and happenings. Although we still congregate there for many events, chances are we hear about them online. In fact, digital Milford communities abound, letting us know what’s happening in our fair city, sharing memories of our past, and giving residents and non-residents alike a chance to chat on a digital town green. Here are a few you can find on Facebook:
You Know you Grew Up in Milford If…
Created “for all Milford residents, past and present who would like to connect and reconnect with former classmates, friends, and family!” it’s a great place to reminisce and share photos of the past. There are posts such as “Remember Miss Connie? Maven of the Children’s Theater Workshop” as well as the old Post Mall and its pizza “castle” in the center. The recreations of high school photos are hilarious, bringing back memories of those who were there and others who can relate to the era. Local photographers share scenes about the town and its beauty, and organizations post upcoming events.
You Know You Live in Milford CT If….
Locals post everyday happenings around town, cable outages, traffic snarls, PSAs, and get and give advice and recommendations from more than 14,000 followers. Looking for recommendations for a new mechanic? Lost your dog? Want to give blood or donate to food bank? You’ll find the information here as well as pictures encouraging you to “Check out the beautiful sunset today” or the magnificent moon!
Milford CT Tag Sale
Have some items that need a new home? Look no further! The Milford CT Tag Sale page is there to help. An inconceivable variety of items are up for sale: dolls, outdoor furniture, lamps, crockpots, chandeliers, grandfather clocks, bird cages, clothing, and candlesticks. Maybe you could use a snowblower for your driveway? If you’re looking for something, odds are you can find it on this page.
Milford, CT History & Vintage Images
A treasure trove of Milford’s past, remarkable pictures from the attics in town show how things once were. The page encourages it’s 8,500 followers to share unique perspectives of our town and the people who called it home. Old postcards abound. Then and now photos are fun to see. The comments shared after an image is posted are often numerous… “I used to live there…” “That was the best toy store…” “Too bad they tore it down…” We here at Milford Living are ardent followers, and often include these amazing images in our pages.
Milford Arts Council, the MAC
We are very fortunate to have such a vibrant art scene here in Milford due, in a large part, to The Milford Arts Council. The MAC offers a wide range of artistic genres for us to enjoy including photography exhibits, open mic nights, theater productions, and musical performances. Classes are offered in the many artistic endeavors are too numerous to list. If you enjoy music, art or just having fun it is a must like page.
Milford Local
From missing cats to found dogs, Milford Local is as local as it gets. Firetrucks down the street? Someone will know what’s happening and help keep everyone in the loop. Fun runs and fundraisers find faithful citizens to support their causes. Notices of events, or just daily life are accompanied by pictures of everything will give you a smile and a good feel for the day. After all, you can’t make it to every event in town!
Milford CT City Hall
The city Facebook page is—surprise—a great source for finding out about city-related news and events. Information on the weather and its impact on our fair city including flood, blizzard, and heat warnings help keep us informed. Board of Alders and other committee meetings are listed. Happenings at Milford Library, on the Green, or along the shore are provided so we can be in the know.
There are many more pages that are Milford-centric—including Milford Living—and are too numerous to list. Seek them out – you may find a photography meetup with Milford Photo or the seasonal specialty at Stonebridge. Don’t miss out, seek out more about Milford – there is so much to see and do!
To find and follow these pages, type the site name in the Facebook search bar and hit ‘Like’ or ‘Follow’ on the page.