Volunteering in Milford
Volunteering is an important part of life for many. According to the Mayo Clinic, spending time as a volunteer “benefits physical and mental health, provides a sense of purpose and teaches valuable skills, and nurtures new and existing relationships.”
In our ‘Small City with a Big Heart’, we have a great number of residents who donate their time to help others. For those interested in volunteering, but not sure where to start, here are some great locations offering the opportunity to get involved.
Beth-El Center
The Beth-El Center provides a “continuum of emergency services to respond to the needs of people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in the Greater Milford area,” says executive director Jennifer Paradis. “The center has opportunities for office and soup kitchen volunteers to support the needs of the agency, and volunteer groups can help by preparing and serving dinners. These positions are for individuals 16 years of age and older, but accommodations for younger people can also be discussed. Those interested should call the center at 203-876-0747 or email info@bethelmilford.org.
Boys and Girls Club of Milford
Executive director Megan Altomare describes the Boys & Girls Club of Milford as “a non-profit afterschool and summer program for youth ages 5-18. We are open when school is closed and offer fun, safe, and affordable programming.” There are a number of volunteer opportunities for high school age individuals and adults of all ages, including mentoring youth, running a program, helping out at the club’s special events, or even joining the board of directors. For more information, contact Altomare at meganaltomare@boysandgirlsclubofmilford.com.
Milford Arts Council (The MAC)
As a nonprofit arts organization, MAC executive director Paige Miglio shares that the center’s goal is to “provide arts experiences and events for artists and audience members in every art genre (visual, performing, writing, dance, theatre) that entertain, enrich, and enlighten our community.”
“We love our volunteers!” says Miglio, and there are many opportunities to do so. “We need help at our events as greeters, ushers, art intake, setting up the house for events, break-down of events at the end of the evening, and more,” Miglio explains. “But our programming is also run and organized by volunteer committees, so if you love the arts and want to help select what we present, reach out to us!” Those interested should email volunteer@milfordarts.org, info@milfordarts.org, or call 203-878-6647.
Milford Prevention Council (MPC)
Milford Prevention Council’s mission is to “reduce underage drinking and substance use through prevention education, the support of law enforcement, and the strengthening of our community collaboration,” explains Wendy Gibbons, director of Prevention Services at the organization. The agency is actively seeking students in grades 9-12 to help with a new peer initiative to spread the council’s message, and adult volunteers are also welcome. Those interested can reach out to Wendy Gibbons or Cathy Kitlasz-Huda at info@milfordprevention.org.
Literacy Volunteers of Southern Connecticut (LVSCT)
Suzanne Solensky, executive director of the LVSCT shares that their goal is to “provide tutoring at no cost to adults who wish to improve their English language proficiency and lead productive lives in our community.” Their service to English language learners in the Greater Milford area relies on volunteer tutors who undergo a 5-week tutor training course before they are paired with a student, so experience is not necessary. Volunteers in other areas are also needed from time to time. Prospective adult volunteers are encouraged to reach out to Solensky via email at director@lvsct.org.
Rape Crisis Center of Milford
“We are a non-profit organization that provides free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault and their families in the Milford area,” explains Stephanie Chandler, who coordinates volunteer training at the agency. “The training is comprehensive, and once it is completed, volunteers cover our free and confidential hotline, answering crisis calls from primary and secondary victims.” Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and meet other specific criteria. Interested individuals should contact Chandler atstephanie@rapecrisiscenterofmilford.org203-878-7452 ext. 105.
Milford Senior Center
Chartered to “serve the specialized needs of Milford’s senior population,” executive director Leonora Rodrigues explains that the Milford Senior Center provides many different programs, including “recreational engagement, Meals on Wheels, a food bank, various educational programs and guest speaker series, wellness and social activities, trips, transportation, and much more.” Volunteer opportunities for those age 16 and older abound. Anyone interested should contact Human Resources manager Elizabeth Kassay at 203-877-5131.
United Way of Milford
The United Way of Milford “raises money to support 21 other local human service agencies, runs the community’s Diaper Bank, and operates an Emergency Fund which helps local residents with rent, utilities, food, medical bills, and summer camperships,” explains executive director Gary Johnson. The agency relies on office volunteers helping with telephone and clerical services, usually on weekday afternoons. Those interested can contact Johnson at gjohnson@unitedwayofmilford.orgor Erica Bento at ebento@unitedwayofmilford.org.
Connecticut Audubon Society Coastal Center at Milford Point
Office Manager Louise Crocco shares that this center, which promotes environmental education, “offers science programs for schoolchildren, families, boy and girl scouts, and summer camps.” Volunteers from teens to adults can help as receptionists and docents and take part in maintaining the grounds. Interested individuals can contact Crocco via email at lcrocco@ctaudubon.org.
Bridgeport Hospital Milford Campus
Those interested in volunteering in a hospital-based setting can take assignments in customer service and patient-support roles, explains volunteer coordinator Elizabeth Locke. “High school students aged 15 and up can volunteer during the summer, and college-age students and adults year-round with a 6-month commitment.” For more info potential volunteers can call 203-301-1062 or visit https://www.bridgeporthospital.org/about/community/Volunteering.