Milford Fit
With many picturesque areas of town, there are many routes in Milford that are popular with bicyclists. Summer is the perfect time for residents and visitors alike to take advantage of the many scenic roads and bike trails that fill the city. As Milford Mayor Benjamin Blake shares, “With our 17 miles of coastline, Milford is a great place to go for a bike ride, and we have plans to make it even better. We even have a month filled with bike-related activities each May.”
“Although Milford doesn’t have official bike paths there are still some great rides in town,” says Mike Macisco, owner of Tony’s Bikes & Sports at 108 Broad Street. “Many of our clients enjoy a slow ride through downtown Milford, stopping to shop along the way, as well as a nice ride to one of the many ice cream parlors in town, like Walnut Beach Creamery, Frosty Twist, and more.”
Macisco also shares that customers at Tony’s, which is celebrating it’s 30th anniversary this year, often ride the coastal route through Milford, as well as the well-marked Folks on Spokes (FOS) route used for the annual fundraiser benefitting Bridges Healthcare.
The staff at Tony’s, as well as Macisco, are and available to help bicyclists find the proper bike and provide repair and maintenance to their customers’ bikes. “We ask a lot of questions when we interview a customer, to make sure we help find the right bike for each person. We also only stock things we would recommend to our own loved ones.”
Marcy Hotchkiss, the director of Fund Development & Communications for Bridges Healthcare, shares a wealth of knowledge about their core fundraiser, officially known as Bridges’ Folks on Spokes Ride for Mental Health. With designated bike rides of differing lengths, FOS “has been a community tradition for more than 30 years. With five marked routes from 5 to 50 miles, Folks on Spokes appeals to riders of all ages and abilities. Traveling the shoreline through Milford and West Haven, with more challenging hills through the Orange countryside, Folks on Spokes has been called one of the most scenic cycling events in the area.”
Riders (and walkers) participate to help raise funds, awareness, and support for loved ones, friends, and neighbors experiencing mental illness or substance use disorders, and the services that Bridges provides to help them recover. This year’s event takes place Sunday, October 2nd. You can sign up or find out more by visiting Folksonspokes.bridgesct.org.
Tina Pritchard, owner of Scoot & Paddle in Devon, says that those renting bikes from her shop have several favorite routes to pedal. “Bikers looking to spend an hour can head down to the Milford Audubon Center from Scoot & Paddle and enjoy bird watching and the native gardens, or coast along the shoreline to Silver Sands State Park. The park has plenty of open paths for biking, and also has absolutely gorgeous views,” she says.
Or maybe a “Bike and Brew Tour” is more your style. “The more adventuresome bikers can head to Dockside Brewery (40 Bridgeport Avenue) for a 3-mile round trip and enjoy a fresh local beer and lunch while enjoying the lovely views and the cool breeze off the water,” says Pritchard. “If they are looking for a little more exercise, they can head to Tribus Brewery (100 Raton Drive) which is less than an 8-mile round trip and takes under an hour. They can cool off with a nice midway brew and have some food to fuel their ride back. Or they can do both breweries!”
Milford Recreation Department director Bill Garfield shares that although the Rec Department does not have any specifically-designated bike rides in Milford, they do put out a booklet describing some great walks, and many of those can be easily converted for bicycling. The pamphlet “Milford Favorite Walks” also includes some off-road trails, with an addendum at the back describing the Folks on Spokes routes.
Some of the booklet’s popular on-road walks that make excellent bike rides explore the downtown and historic areas of the city, beginning at the Green and looping past Milford Cemetery, around the duck ponds and past the First Congregational Church of Christ, then continuing to the South of the Green neighborhoods. Another begins at Gulf Beach and heads eastward along the shore toward Morningside then Woodmont. This ride features many gorgeous views, and bicyclists can stop and enjoy a snack at one of the several Woodmont restaurants. The booklet is available at the Recreation Department office at the Parson’s Complex.
The Milford Police Department encourages bicyclists of all ages to enjoy their rides in the city while taking appropriate safety precautions. PFC Marilisa Anania, part of MPD’s Crime Prevention Unit shares some safety tips:
- Always wear a helmet, and make sure it fits appropriately
- Wear bright and reflective clothing so drivers can see you.
- Check the bike for any maintenance issues prior to riding, such as properly inflated tires, working brakes, etc.
Anania also recommends following traffic laws such as stopping at red lights, stop signs, and signaling turns, using lights and reflectors when riding at night, and traveling in the same direction as traffic. She added that it is important to watch for hazards, to ride defensively, and emphasized “No texting! No listening to music or doing anything that would distract your eyes, ears, or mind from the roadway.”
Milford is full of great bike rides just waiting for you to jump on your bicycle and hit the road or trail. Head on out and enjoy!